Friday, January 7, 2011

Romo - My Life on the Edge: Living Dreams and Slaying Dragons

A page-turner in every sense of the word

Bill Romanowski grew to fame in the National Football League by delivering devastatingly big hits - and his autobiography hits just as hard.

Romo - My Life on the Edge: Living Dreams and Slaying Dragons is an autobiographic masterpiece. Romanowski leaves no stone unturned as he recaps his life.

Bill revisits his time playing football in high school as well as playing for Boston College. He opens himself up and attempts to explain his life-consuming desire and determination, which can be read on every page. As well as the constant insecurity that pushed Bill to the limits and summits.

His career in the National Football League is well documented, down to the every last minute detail - which is yet another indication of one of his quirks which would serve him in good stead throughout his career. Attention to detail.

Romo offers an in-depth look into the trails and tribulation that an American football has to endure - at least the trails and tribulations of one as determined and successful as Romanowski.

Bill goes in-depth about his time with San Francisco 49ers - which were considered to one of the best teams in football and coached by legendary Bill Walsh - Philadelphia Eagles, Denver Broncos and Oakland Raiders.

Explanations, and not excuses, are giving to all the “troubles” that plagued Romanowski’s NFL career.
Bill was labeled “dirty” and “a cheat” do to his on-field altercations with players - some of which were his own teammates - and his off field court issues regarding the use of illegal substances.

Romo is a fascinating look into the life of an American football player and is a must read for any NFL fan or sports fan alike.

However the book is not just a sportsman telling tales of his career. It is more than that. It is a man who has to deal with his desires, insecurity, paranoia and tribulation - the only difference is he had to do so in the public eye.

Romo - My Life on the Edge: Living Dreams and Slaying Dragons was a New York Times bestseller in 2005 showing once again that Bill Romanowski will not settle for mediocrity.

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